January 1, 2017 Sandy 0Comment
Happy New Year everybody. Do you want to be more successful and have an abundant life in 2017? Than this post is for you! Are you also the type that has lot of new years resolutions but does not know how to stick to it? Well, this year I have 8 wonderful tips for you to change your life for the best: 1. Skip Resolutions Yes, that is right. I want you to skip those resolutions. Most of you probably have specific resolutions like: I want to exercise every day, I want to read 100 books in a year, or I want to lose 10 pounds. But instead of being very precise I want you to be more realistic about your goals. For example you can choose more general goals like: I want to read more, I want to do more exercise, I want to lose weight. This way you have room to grow and it doesn’t stress you too much. It is one thing to say you want to change and another thing to go ahead and really change things. So if you have never really changed the way you live and live the same life up until now, then it is really hard to change your life, without knowing exactly how to do so. 2. Put your change into action For that reason I suggest a notebook or a planner. For example if your idea was to read more books, then you should make a schedule and plan your reading routine. If you decided to do more exercise you actually have to go to the gym and make a contract. I also suggest that you write down the days you want to go to the gym. If you want to start yoga, you have to sign up for a yoga class and write down the time in your planner. Make a list for all your goals. I am sure you get the idea. This really helps you to put those goals into action. 3. Journaling You really want to keep track of your life and make sure you notice those changes. In order to help you stay focused on your goals I suggest you get a notebook and start journaling. I like to write down my emotions, even if I don't feel great at the moment. But I like to keep track on my progressions and how I feel a long the way. This helps me to focus on the person that I am trying to be and leaves me alone with all my thoughts. If you don’t like to journal and write you can just be with yourself and resume your day or meditate on that. Just make sure you keep track of your goals and try to realize how that makes you feel. 4. Stay inspired Make an inspiration board, so you can actually look at the things you are trying to achieve or maybe look at what your role models are doing. This helps you especially if you start to lose faith or your momentum. I recommend you change your phone background or computer background as well. Write your goals on a piece of paper, in your planner, or in your notebook. Make sure you write down how your life will look like in 5 years, 10 years, or more. You should read this every morning or in the evening before you go to bed. Write it down in as much detail as possible. This will help you to not get distracted. Just keep inspired. 5. Stay away from negativity If you have a bad habit then you need to leave it in 2016. You also have to make sure you stay away from people that try to talk you out of your goals. There is no excuse to stick around someone that treats you like crap. So leave those people and bad habits behind and move forward to 2017. Make sure you stay away from all kind of negativity or turmoil in your life. There is nothing wrong with leaving people behind that don’t serve your purpose. You are just trying very hard to live the life you want. It is certainly impossible to change your life if you have heavy baggage still on you. So please make sure you ditch those bad habits and negative people, who are trying to way you down. 6. Believe in yourself Trust me, it is very important to love yourself, and believe in yourself. This will help you to focus on your goals and to stay positive. When you are constantly telling yourself that you are not good enough or you can’t do the things you want to do, then the universe is going to react by never letting you get there and never lets you accomplish your goals. So the first step to take action is always to believe in yourself and to trust yourself. All in all just love yourself. Be nice to yourself and know that you will make mistakes. You will not always stick 100 % to your goals. But this should not stop you from achieving your goals. Never give up on yourself and your plan. You are not perfect, but guess what nobody is. Mistakes are going to happen, but just breath, and keep trying. 7. Carpe diem This moment right now is the youngest you are ever going to be. The past is over and the future is not yet here. So stick to your plan and live in the now. This moment right now is the only moment happening now. So just breath in and do your best. Relax and rest when you need to. Just recharge and keep working hard. Do your best and keep your mind focused on your goals. Keep the energy high and the universe will reduplicate the energy that you are putting out there. 8. Fake it till you make it Make sure you plan your life and have a set of goals that you want to accomplish. But the most important thing is the moment right now. You don’t need to be right now where you want to be in the future. It is just not going to happen. My advice is to pretend that it is already yours and act as if it is already yours. That way you will enjoy life all the way up till you get where you want to be. Just breath in, be happy and enjoy life. Be aware that you have to work hard on your goals and eventually you will get where you want to be in the future. But most importantly don’t forget to enjoy every single moment that leads up to your future life. As always bring more Zen into your life. Love & Light, Sandy Merken