April 28, 2016 Sandy 0Comment
Do not hesitate any longer. Make the most of every day. Encounter your strengthes and make your dreams a reality. Follow your passion. Do not make the mistake and blame other people for your misery. Get up and get moving. For example if you want to write a book, you have to write every day. If you want to sell art, you have to paint. What matters is now. Skip the past because it is over. Skip the future because you don't know what tomorrow will bring. But instead live in the present. Just go with the flow, and follow your path. Stick to your passion because great things don't happen quickly. Just look at a flower, it is planted in dirt but after quiet some time it finally blooms. Do what you really want instead of focusing on making money, and material possessions. Make your own path instead of living by society standards. Life is way to short to spend it in the wrong place, or with the wrong people. It is time to create your own environment and find the people and surroundings that help you grow as a person, and a human being. Remember we are spiritual beings having a human experience, so make the most of your time here on mother earth. Create your own beautiful things. Create a mission for your beautiful art or writing. Write poetry every day with the things that you do. Make your life a manifestation of who you are. Your creation will be the things that matter. It is the essence that you leave behind. Don't be sad if one door closes. The challenge is that you don't know what is behind the other door. So question yourself what is your passion, what is your cause and what is your believe? And then you go for it. Just make sure you create an environment with people that believe in you. Talk about what you do and what you believe in with the right people. There are people around the world who have exactly the same passion, and who are interested in the same things as you are. Remember your vibe attracts your tribe. There is no better time to follow your dream and your passion then right now. My advice for you is to jump right in and create your own reality. You will see, miracles are about to happen and the right door will eventually open for you. Love & Light, Sandy