January 12, 2017 Sandy 0Comment
I never liked getting up early in the morning. I hate it, hate it, hate it. Even as a teenager I used to sleep in around noon, at least on the weekends. As a student that came in handy when my seminars did not start before 10am. But once I finished university, I had to rethink my sleeping schedule and morning routine. I also read about a study, that has shown  you are at your best between 5am and noon. This is the time span where people are most efficient. Ever since I started to wake up more early and changed my morning routine, I noticed that I just feel my best in the morning and get more things done. So if you get up earlier, you certainly get the most out of your day. Being a morning person makes you definitely more happy and successful. Another study has shown that people who get up early, tend to be more optimistic and proactive. So if you are not a morning person and like to sleep in, just like me, then I have 11 steps to follow for you, that will help you on your way to become a morning person. Those tips and tricks are helpful in order to be more optimistic, happier, and successful. I am challenging those of you, who like to stay up late and like to sleep in.  So let’s get started:
  1. Go to bed early
The most important thing in order to become a morning person is by starting to go to bed at a decent hour.  That way you don’t feel grumpy and groggy in the morning. Try also to stay away from electronial devices after 8pm and rather read a book or magazine. This usually makes me more sleepy than watching TV or youtube on my tablet.
  1. 15 minute intervals
I suggest that you start getting up 15 minutes earlier than your usual wake up time. You can adjust 15 more minutes each day till you reach the new wake up time. So for example if you usually get up at 9am but want to get up at 8am you have to get up the first day at 8.45am, the second day at 8.30am and the third day at 8.15am. The final day you get up at 8am and after that you try to stick to this routine.
  1. Use a nice wake up tone
Change your alarm clock to a tone that is not annoying and does not let you feel grumpy first thing in the morning. I usually use songs that I love. I also like to change those songs frequently, so I don’t get used to them by not noticing the alarm clock in the morning.
  1. Skip the snooze button
This is very important, because it makes you feel in the trap of falling to sleep again. It is no good falling to sleep again and make yourself wake up over and over again. I realized that I felt even more tired once I pressed that snooze button and fell to sleep again. The snooze is not only a time consuming thing, it even lets you feel more worse. It is just a way that takes up time and lets you feel even more worse because you lose precious time in the morning.
  1. Keep your alarm clock away from your bed and night stand
This is not only better for your health, to stay away from electric smog, but it really forces you to get out of your bed in order to turn off the alarm clock. So once you are already awake, it is much easier to stay up, instead of rolling over in your bed and fall to sleep again.
  1. Open your windows
It is very important to get some daylight in order to become fully awake.  Open the curtains or the blends and if possible open your windows for fresh air. Just get some sunshine on your face in order to stimulate your hormones. This shows you that it is morning and gets your body moving. The best way to start your day is to get fresh air.
  1. Make your bed
This is just a habit of mine in order to let me realize that the night is over. Once my bed is made it protects me from crawling back under the cozy sheets because I don’t want to ruin my tidy bed.
  1. Have a morning routine
Have at least 15 minutes for yourself first thing in the morning. Choose things that you love and that you can look forward to. I like having a cup of tea or coffee. During that time I can read the newspaper or blogs and just get my day started. In the summer I even like to sit outside and watch the birds and just be by myself and centered.
  1. Workout
You should do some exercise in the morning. Now if you like running or jogging you should certainly do that. As for me though I don’t have the time for that, but instead I do some yoga. This stretches my muscles and gets me moving. A morning workout is not only good for waking you up, it is also very healthy.
  1. Have a healthy breakfast
Try not to skip breakfast because this gives you the boost of energy that you need for the day ahead of you. A healthy breakfast not only kick starts your metabolism, it also lets you feel less groggy. I recommend a banana because this fruit makes your stomac feel full easily,  plus you get all the nutritions that you need. If you don't like to eat solid food in the morning, I suggest you make yourself a smoothie. This kind of breakfast is not only healthy but also fast and easy to do.
  1. Plan the night before
Think about what you need the next day and plan the night before. I plan my outfit the night before, so I am not too stressed about what to wear the next morning. I also have my purse or backpack already packed. So the things I need for the day are already done and I am ready to go. That way I don’t have an endless to do list after I wake up. So those are the 11 steps I took in order to become a morning person. I hope my post was helpful and if you have more suggestions for a morning person to be, then please let me know in the comments. As always bring more Zen into your life. Love & Light, Sandy