December 26, 2017 Sandy 0Comment

Seriously guys Christmas is supposed to be the season of love and giving. But all I experienced were busy people trying to get last Christmas presents and buying food that will last for one year. What happened to the old fashioned way of handmade presents and baking cookies with the kids? I also noticed that sitting at home and having a TV Marathon does not get you anywere. The same old movies, which we already have on DVD or Blu Ray. This all does not make sense to me anymore. I am so looking forward to finally have time to read a book and sip my all time favourite ginger and lime tea. I am tired of the same old, same old. We are so caught up in the materialistic world that we truly forget about the real reason of the season. We should not ask what our family and friends can do for us but rather what we can do for our family and friends. I noticed that my son is always overwhelmed by the amount of presents he receives every single year. But instead he lightens up, when I go to the playground with him or we just play an oldfashined board game together. Those are the moments that make my Christmas perfect. I love his sparkling eyes, when we decorate the cookies together and when he can handcraft some gifts with his grandpa.

I think our world would be a better place, if we would stop thinking that we have to get a lot of presents in order to show our love to family and friends. Getting stuck in the material world does not do us any favour. As a matter of fact, we are actually helping the corporate industries to become even richer instead of helping ourselves to get out of debt. Did you know that the amount of money we spent on Christmas presents could help to stop the world hunger?

I want you all to think before you spent. Why not invest more time walking in nature, or volunteering for the poor, or just reading a book to your kids? The opportunities are endless. Just cultivating the sacred essence of time is more important than all the materialistic possessions you have. Christmas for me is a sacred time, a time of reflection, for purification. Just dwelling in this holy time and being conscious of Christmas is what makes all the difference in the world.

Just center yourself and ask how you can connect to the devine and have a more conscious life? Let us breathe new life into this season and make a new tradition of Christmas. Have yourself a Merry Christmas and a spiritual renewal.

Love & Light,
